You can download any or all of our Retrospective formats and then individually set them up on any type of canvas or whiteboard platform. Each team member can place “post-it notes” on the selected format to visually reveal:
- What went well during the Sprint
- What problems were encountered
- What opportunities can improve the team’s effectiveness
All of our formats optionally allow the team to provide other types of feedback as desired. With your team members participating in this interactive way, Sprint Retrospectives can be an entertaining and a productive way for continuous improvement. So, go forth and have fun!

Mr. Frog Retrospective
Hop into Mr. Frog’s retrospective world to encourage your team’s sprint feedback!
Suggestions for areas:
- Ms. Sun – share celebrations, what’s going well
- Mr. Frog – share need for help, training or tools
- The Swamp – share what was not clear, or was hard to get through
- Lily Pads – share what to keep afloat, not sink
- Frog Eggs and Tadpoles – suggest new things to try or start doing
Download Mr. Frog Retrospective

Mountain Retrospective
Climb to new heights with your team using a Mountain retrospective!
Suggestions for using the areas:
- Sun – share celebrations or what went well
- Climbing – share progress, where to keep going
- Falling – things to watch out for, risks
- Compass – things to start doing
- Storm – challenges, what’s not clear
- Weeds – things to stop doing
Download Mountain Retrospective

Pirate Ship Retrospective
Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho! Enjoy sailing through your retrospective session with your team with a Pirate Ship retrospective (Pirate language is optional, aye aye, Captain?).
Suggestions for using the areas:
- Wind – share what’s motivating, moving us forward
- Anchor – what’s holding us back, pulling us down
- Rocks – what to watch out for, risks
- Sun – share what’s going great, shining moments
- Ship – what or who is keeping us steady and strong
Download Pirate Ship Retrospective

Garden Retrospective
Grow your team’s participation and feedback with this garden wonderland themed sprint retrospective!
Suggestions for using the areas:
- Garden – share what’s growing, harmonious, and going well
- Watering Can – share what’s needed more of
- Shears – share what to cut back on
- Birds Nest – share new things to try, discoveries
- Disease – share risks, and what to watch out for

Spider Retrospective
Not itsy bitsy, this retrospective encourages your team’s sprint feedback with a feisty spider who’s out to get the flower!
Suggestions for using the areas:
- Web – share what you didn’t like
- Sun – share what you loved
- Top Hat Flower – share what’s growing, going well
- Flower Pots – share what could be improved

Construction Zone Retrospective
Plan, Build, and Review! Develop your team’s participation and feedback with this construction themed sprint retrospective!
Suggestions for using the areas:
- Plans – new things to try, areas to do better
- Toolbox – what’s keeping us nailed down
- Lunchbox – what we need more of
- Cone – what to watch out for
- Building & Crane – what’s going well

Hot Air Balloon Retrospective
Allow your team to lift into the sky with a productive retrospective!
Suggestions for using the areas:
- Birds – what’s the wind beneath our wings, motivating us
- Hot Air Balloon – success, accomplishments, exciting achievements
- Storm Clouds – what was hard, scary, not clear
- Forest – what do we need to stop, get out of, unknowns
Download Hot Air Balloon Retrospective

Busyland Retrospective
Whether you’re being energized or creating memories, it’s the Happiest Sprint on Earth! But remember, don’t sink into the scary stuff!
- Mountain – exciting, fun, things
- Castle – memorable, wows, unforgettable
- Submarine – underwater, sinking
- Popcorn – energizing, feeding us
- Haunted House – scary, watch out!
Download Busyland Retrospective

Racecar Retrospective
Allow your team to lift into the sky with a productive retrospective!
Suggestions for using the areas:
- Parachute – what’s slowing us down
- Electric Vehicle – what powers us forward
- Stop Sign – what do we need to stop doing
- Finish Line – what’s motivating us, how do we celebrate?
Download Racecar Retrospective

Scrum Values Retrospective
For this retrospective, the closer your share is to each value, the stronger your share represents that value.
- Focus (Magnifying Glass): What do we need to focus on?
- Openness (Window): What’s in our way or stopping us?
- Respect (Shaking Hands): What are some things we succeeded or failed on?
- Extreme Courage (Meeting): Where do we express or not express courage?
- Commitment (Goal): Are we committed to each other as a team?
Download Scrum Values Retrospective

Scrum Events Retrospective
This retrospective allows Agile teams to establish a psychological safe environment by having each member evaluate and open-up about the team’s Scrum events with the intent of improving team dynamics and productivity.
- Sprint: What can we improve to be more consistent in meeting the Sprint Goal?
- Sprint Planning (Joggers): How can we plan better to know what work has the most value for our upcoming Sprint?
- Daily Scrum (Coffee): Is there anything that is currently blocking us?
- Sprint Review (Parcel): What can we do to make this more of a working session and not just a presentation?
- Sprint Retrospective (Lightbulb): What improvement can we make to become a more effective, self-managing team?
Download Scrum Events Retrospective

Team Retrospective Canvas
One way to integrate continual improvement within the team is to use the Canvas template approach to support your team Sprint Retrospective events. This template consists of multiple sections for each team member to fill in by answering the questions in each section. Possibly unlike other retrospectives, this retrospective is based on the team identifying and performing an “experiment” to try in order to drive their continuous improvement.
The team completes each section on the template until eventually the template reflects the outcome of the “experiment”. This effort might result in team improvement…but conversely, it may not. The basic concept here is for the team to actually try an attempt at improving without knowing whether the attempt will result in team improvement or not.
Download Team Retrospective Canvas