December 2018

Happy Holidays
As 2018 comes to a conclusion, it isn’t an end, but a feature released. We constantly refine our product backlog of life, learn new things along the way, and embrace constant feedback from those around us. We are our own product owners, scrum masters and development team members. Some of us naturally align with one of these roles as others slide into the other roles. Sometimes your significant other is the product owner, you are the scrum master and the children are the development team members. Learn from the empirical model – inspect, adapt and be transparent. As I’ve learned more about scrum, the relationships of those around me have become stronger. Scrum brings value to our workplace and our homes too.

Successful Scrum Acceptance Criteria
Charles Hutchison (“Hutch”) points out some of the essential factors for successful acceptance criteria.
Habitat for Humanity
The Scrum Adventures team volunteers with Habitat for Humanity. We built homes in Culver City, CA. Join us for the next one!

Scrum and Wine Toy Drive
Our final Scrum and Wine of 2018 is Thursday, December 13th in Long Beach. Bring a new unwrapped toy for donation. Scrum Adventures will drop off all the toys at a local fire station

Agile Transformation Journey
Soren Nielsen, Sr. Director, Agile Office At TrueCar, describes TrueCar’s inspired Agile Transformation, and the strategy and process that went into executing it.